Restraining Order Violations in Beverly Hills

Criminal Defense Attorney and Family Lawyer for Restraining Order Violations in Beverly Hills

In California, a restraining order is also known as a protective order. Issued from a court, its purpose is to prevent an individual from being a threat to another. A threat could be in the form of harassment, physical abuse, stalking, or any other behavior that could be construed as threatening. Violating a restraining order is a crime. If you have been charged with this crime, you should contact the Law Office of Bradley S. Sandler. We are criminal defense and family law lawyers with extensive experience aggressively defending clients who are accused of a restraining order violation.

Types of Restraining Orders

There are different types of restraining orders. They range from orders to protect domestic partners, spouses, children, and roommates, orders that protect employees in the workplace, orders that protect a person from another who is not related or does not live with the person, and orders that protect elderly or dependent adults from various types of abuse.

Violations of any restraining order can be filed against you if it is established that a judge issued an order, the accused knew the order existed, and the accused willfully violated it. There are several possible defenses to criminal accusations regarding a restraining order violation, including proving that the defendant was not aware that his or her actions violated the order, or that there was an order. It is also possible that the person who requested the order falsely accused the defendant and reported an incident that never took place.

You can trust our firm to be an advocate for you and fight for your rights when you’ve been accused of violating a restraining order. A conviction can mean a jail or prison sentence and fines. If you want the best defense possible, it’s important to contact us as soon as possible. We can help you fight to avoid serious legal consequences.

Restraining Order and Domestic Violence Services

The Law Office of Bradley S. Sandler handles Domestic Violence in Beverly Hills and Restraining Orders in Beverly Hills and the greater Los Angeles area. I work hard to protect those who have been abused or fear that they may be abused. I help clients file for an order of a protection from any person whom they believe will hurt them. Each state’s restraining order places different restrictions on accused abusers, and many states offer more than one type of order. The orders have different names such as “restraining order,” “order of protection,” “injunction” and “protection order.” In general, the order will force a person to stay away from you physically and cease any contact. I do whatever it takes to protect you and your family.

Note: I also represent those targeted in restraining orders. If you have been served with an order of protection, contact my law offices to begin the process of restoring your good name and your civil liberties.

Understanding Orders Of Protection

Every U.S. state and territory has some form of restraining order to protect victims of abuse by keeping the accused abuser away from the abused. Each state recognizes orders issued by every other state. The purpose of these orders is to limit the behavior of the harmful or threatening person so that you do not have to live in fear of further abuse. I can help you understand exactly how orders of protection work in California. Some of the types of protection offered in many states include:

  • Stay away provisions. This part of an order requires someone to stay a certain distance away from the person who asked for the order. They may also need to stay away from their home, their school and their place of business. This order can often be extended to protect your children as well.
  • Cease abuse provisions. These provisions specifically require an abuser to stop abusing or threatening to abuse the protected person or persons.
  • No-contact provisions. Most states allow orders preventing someone from attempting any contact with the protected person. This includes personal contact as well as contact by phone, computer, mail or even contact through a third party.

Other common provisions found in some jurisdictions require the person the order is aimed at to give up their weapons or to pay spousal or child support. In California, a court may even issue orders allowing you to take sole possession of vehicles or living space by forcing the person listed in the order to move out.

Restraining orders can be issued by different courts depending on the state. In most cases, a family court handles orders involving spouses. They may also be issued in civil or criminal cases. I will seek every possible legal remedy to protect you from someone who wishes to harm you or to clear your name if you have been served with an order of protection.

The Law Office of Bradley S. Sandler A Professional Corporation provides skilled and efficient help. Call 310-246-3900 or contact me at to schedule a consultation at my Beverly Hills office.